The Missouri Prairie Foundation/Grow Native! is an approved provider for the Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System (LACES), and registration for the newest addition to the LACES calendar is now open. Dicamba and 2,4-D have traditionally been used on cropland during the early part of the growing season, when trees and other sensitive plants are still dormant. With the release of crop varieties tolerant of these herbicides, however, summer applications are resulting in tree and native plant injury on a landscape level. In Dicamba and 2,4-D: Old Herbicides Causing New Problems, Robbie Doerhoff discusses the history of this issue and illustrates herbicide injury on trees.
Registration remains open for other LACES courses, Grasses and Sedges with Shannon Currey and Soft Landings with Paula Diaz. If you are a professional landscape architect participating in LACES, learn more and register for any of these opportunities here.
The MPF/GN! online classes that are currently approved for LACES consist of a pre-recorded webinar or master class accompanied by a proof of competency that must be successfully completed with a passing score of 75% to earn Professional Development Hours. More LACES offerings will be announced periodically.