Upcoming Events


2024-2025 Annual Awards Event (Copy)

2024-2025 Annual Awards Event (Copy)

Join us for the Annual St. Louis ASLA Awards Event.

This event is a celebration of the meaningful work and collaboration coming out of our Chapter.  Come join us for fellowship, networking, and a toast to the members that make our Chapter great.

We look forward to celebrating with you!  Please: Submit your RSVP by February 1!

Friday, February 7th, 2025

6:30 PM      Event Start and Networking
7:00 PM      Awards Program Presentation
8:15 PM     Celebration
10:00 PM    Event Close

TechArtista UCity: 725 Kingsland Ave, University City

Fun, festive networking and recognition of award honors. Food and drinks will be served!

Reserve your tickets today!

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Shaw Series
to Jan 23

Shaw Series

The Shaw Series is hosting a winter workshop, "Greener Stormwater Solutions: 2025 Shaw Series Winter Symposium" on January 22 and 23 at Beyond Housing (6506 Wright Way St. Louis, MO 63121) with a focus on bioretention basins and pervious surfaces.

Tickets are available for two-day series at $200 or single-day at $125. Tickets include a light breakfast, lunch, and a social hour on Day 1.

Scholarships are available.


Beyond Housing
6506 Wright Way
St. Louis, MO 63121
United States
Google map and directions


Click link below for full details and to register.
2025 Shaw Series Winter Symposium - Deer Creek Watershed Alliance


Shaw Series · shawseries@mobot.org

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2024 Garden GLOW Social

Dear Members,

We’re excited to invite you to a magical evening at the Missouri Botanical Garden this holiday season! On December 17th, we’ll be attending the renowned Garden Glow, where the garden comes to life with stunning light displays, festive decorations, and a warm, holiday atmosphere.

To make the experience even more special, we’ve reserved a private firepit just for our members, offering the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the beauty of the garden with friends and fellow members. This is a wonderful opportunity to soak in the holiday cheer, sip on hot cocoa, and unwind in the glow of the season.

We’d love to have you join us for this unforgettable evening and we look forward to celebrating the season with you at the beautiful Garden Glow!

Our Best,


2024 Garden Glow Social
from $12.00
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Shaw Series - Fall 2024

Shaw Series - Fall 2024

Join the Shaw Series for Stormwater & Landscape Professionals for our Fall Salon on Wednesday, November 6th, from 2:00-5:00 pm. The event will begin with a guided walking tour of the landscape features at the Bellerive Park, followed by networking and refreshments at The Stone House (Grill Master Tony's BBQ Events and Catering) at 5827 S Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63111.

Hear presentations about seeded landscapes, stormwater management, and collaborative management by:

  • City of St. Louis Forestry - Elizabeth Dasenbrock

  • Native Landscape Solutions - Steve Cavin

  • Missouri Department of Conservation - Erin Shank

  • Grow Native! - Amanda Lands Ramrup 

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Allied Org Happy Hour, Hosted by SYN Lawn

You're invited to a fun-filled happy hour at Westport Social, featuring delicious appetizers, two drink tickets, and the chance to network with members of ULI, AIA, APA, and ASLA. Explore the newly constructed Westport Park while connecting with fellow professionals. The event will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 PM and is generously sponsored by SYN Lawn, a proud platinum sponsor of ASLA. We hope to see you there!

This event also includes a brief presentation from SYN Lawn and the Westport Plaza design team, offering one LA CES CEU.

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BMP Watershed Summit 2024

Join East-West Gateway at the Wildwood Municipal Building on October 16th for the BMP Watershed Summit 2024. The Summit will showcase a range of nature-based and hybrid riparian best management practices (BMPs), from the low-cost and non-technical to more highly engineered and involved projects, being done in the Lower Meramec River watershed and elsewhere in the EWG region.

The purpose of the Summit is to build interest, increase knowledge, and promote the use of nature-based BMPs, and encourage the installation of similar practices to address and prevent stream impairments.

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AND TO REGISTER. Registration opens September 9th.

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WashU MLA Student Portfolio Review

  • Washington University, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Kuehner Court (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are looking forward to seeing you at the portfolio event where students showcase their work and practitioners share their experience and expertise. Students will be paired with practitioners to review the student’s portfolio and resume for a set amount of time before rotating to a new pairing.

Please register below to let us know you’re coming!

WashU MLA Student Portfolio Review
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4theVille Tour

4theVille Tour

Join us for a walking tour of The Ville with 4theVille co-founder, Aaron Williams! Aaron will take us through historic landmarks and share stories of the many notable residents of The Ville. Please register below.

Walking Tour of The Ville
from $0.00
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Park(ing) Day!

Park(ing) Day!

This year, our chapter has TWO Parking Day locations! Please see information below for each and let us know if you would like to join us.

Parking Day 2024
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Shaw Series - Summer 2024

The Shaw Series for Stormwater & Landscape Professionals is back! Join us Thursday, August 29 from 3:00-6:00 pm for a guided walking tour of the landscape features at the MSD Headquarters and CITYPARK Stadium. Topics covered include stormwater management, formal landscaping with native plants, sustainable turf management, and urban connectivity. The tour will be immediately followed by networking and refreshments at CITYPARK.

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MoGIA Fall Field Day

MoGIA Fall Field Day

Join MoGIA for a Fall Field Day hosted by Pea Ridge Forest in Hermann, MO. We have a great line up of morning breakout sessions centered around trees and two afternoon tour options. Pea Ridge Forest nursery tour with Mike Rood and Razor Hollow Natural Area tour with Mike Leahy MDC. In partnership with Nursery and Landscape Association of Greater St. Louis (LNAGSL) and Gateway Professional Horticulture Association (GPHA).

Registration link here.
Note: You can register multiple attendees. 


Morning Breakouts: 

  • Tree Talk - Bill Spradley (Trees, Forest, and Landscapes)

  • Soils - Roy Gross (STL Compost)

  • Training Young Trees (Pea Ridge Forest)

  • Trees for Bees - James Faupel (Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum)

  • Pest and Disease Update - Susan Ehlenbeck (Missouri Department of Agriculture)

  • Designing with Trees – Michael Garrett (Frisella)

Lunch sponsored by Pea Ridge Forest

Afternoon Tours:                                                                    

  • Pea Ridge Forest – Mike Rood

  • Razor Hollow Natural Area – Mike Leahy (MDC)

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Topgolf St. Louis - Midtown

Topgolf St. Louis - Midtown

Come join ASLA and AIA members at Topgolf for a fun night of food, drinks, and games!

$30 - Members
$50 - Non-members

Registration is limited and required. Please click on the image below.

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to Jul 18

Waterfront Alliance’s upcoming WEDG® Professionals Course

Waterfront Alliance’s upcoming WEDG® Professionals Course: Live & Online training.


We appreciate that you were able to share details of the course back in January and would love to be listed once again. Our upcoming training will take place this July 17 & 18 over Zoom; more information can be found here. This course provides 6 AIA LU and 6 ASLA CEUs.

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to May 24

Design Futures Forum

The 2024 Design Futures Forum will be an in-person five-day, interdisciplinary leadership development convening in St. Louis, Missouri in the summer of 2024. Hosted by the Washington University in St Louis, we will bring together 70+ student leaders from across the nation representing design programs from leading academic institutions and over 25 academic and practitioner faculty from private and non-profit based practices.

Registration is through the University Consortium. Individual registration may be available.

If you are a university representative, faculty or staff and would like to participate in the Consortium, please contact designfuturesforum@gmail.com

For more information: https://designfuturesforum.org/

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Shaw Nature Reserve

Join ASLA STL for a guided walking tour of the Whitmire Wildflower Garden at Shaw Nature Reserve on Sunday, April 14 from 10-11 a.m. Our tour guides, Jen Sieradzki and Erin Goss, will narrate while we explore the garden and learn about native plant horticulture.

On the day of the tour, check in at the Visitor Center and receive gate tokens so you can drive further in to the Nature Reserve. You can park in the Bascom House parking lot.

This event is free for members, but please register below, as there is limited capacity.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Shaw Nature Reserve Tour
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St. Louis Lighting Group - Lighting Palooza 3!

You are invited to St. Louis' best day of lighting, libations & live music.

On Thursday, April 11th, over 20 of our amazing manufacturers will be showcasing their latest & greatest products. We have reserved "The Hall" at Olive+Oak in Webster Groves for an in-person product showcase and social gathering. Each manufacturer will have a table top product display. Lunch, CEUs, cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be provided - as will a very special live band to cap the evening!

For more information, click here.

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St. Louis Strategic Land Use Plan Workshop

Location: Third Degree Glass Factory (5200 Delmar Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108)

Join us for a party to celebrate the release of SLUP Scoop #2! This issue focuses on the current conditions across St. Louis — from air quality to zoning. To celebrate, come enjoy some treats, take a look at maps, and add your experiences and comments. There will be opportunities to talk with the team, weigh in on big ideas to change St. Louis, and reflect on some of what we’ve heard so far. Registration is not required to attend! Registering for this workshop in advance will help us plan for the activities, and also ensure that we're reaching a wide range of St. Louis residents. All questions are optional. If you attended an earlier workshop, this workshop will be prompting for more detailed conversations, so we encourage you to participate again.

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Registration Opens: Callery Pear Buyback Program

The Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP), in partnership with Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, Forrest Keeling Nursery, and the Missouri Department of Conservation, will host a Callery pear “buyback” program in locations around the state on April 23. On this date, citizens who complete event registration will receive a free native tree when they show a photo of a cut down Callery pear tree from their property.

“As we prepare for spring, many Callery pear trees—also known as Bradford pears—are already beginning to bloom,” said Carol Davit, chair of the Missouri Invasive Plant Council. “The profuse white blossoms of this highly invasive tree make their alarming spread especially apparent this time of year, along roadsides, in fields, parks, and on private property.”

Registration for the Callery Pear Buyback event is open from March 15 through April 15. On the registration form, participants will choose their event location, select a native tree, and upload a photo of the cut-down Callery pear tree. One free, non-invasive, native tree will be given to registered participants at the selected location on the day of the event, April 23, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. (Note: Kansas City has different dates and times.)

Participants will receive potted native trees, donated by Forest ReLeaf and Forrest Keeling Nursery, in 3-gallon containers that stand between 2- and 4-feet tall. The trees are young and small to ensure the least amount of stress on the tree in the planting process, as well as easier transportation.

To register or for more information about this event, including a full list of native tree species offered and how to identify Callery pear trees, visit https://moinvasives.org/2024/01/12/callery-pear-buyback-2024/, or contact MoIP Coordinator Emily Render, (573) 569-8659, at info@moinvasives.org. The registration form at the link above will be live beginning March 15, 2024.

Pick-up locations are listed below, along with their local media contacts:

• St. Louis, MO: Billy Haag, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, billy@moreleaf.org, (314) 533-5323

• Columbia, MO: Emily Render, info@moinvasives.org, (573) 569-8659

• Cape Girardeau, MO: Josh Hartwig, Josh.Hartwig@mdc.mo.gov, (573) 290-5730 ex. 4419

• Farmington, MO: Josh Hartwig, Josh.Hartwig@mdc.mo.gov, (573) 290-5730 ex. 4419

• Kennett, MO: Josh Hartwig, Josh.Hartwig@mdc.mo.gov, (573) 290-5730 ex. 4419

• Springfield, MO: Jon Skinner, jon.skinner@mdc.mo.gov, (417) 629-3434 ex. 4543

• Joplin, MO: Jon Skinner, jon.skinner@mdc.mo.gov, (417) 629-3434 ex. 4543

• Lebanon, MO: Jon Skinner, jon.skinner@mdc.mo.gov, (417) 629-3434 ex. 4543

• Hannibal, MO: Kristy Trevathan, kristy.trevathan@prestigerealty.net, 573-248-6581

• Rolla, MO: Pam Barnabee, pamela.barnabee@gmail.com

• West Plains, MO: Valarie Kurre, vkurre@quailforever.org, (417) 708-6497

• Kirksville, MO: Yvette Amerman, Yvette.Amerman@mdc.mo.gov

• St. Joseph, MO: Bill Graham, bill.graham@mdc.mo.gov, (816) 759-7305, ext. 1131

• Kansas City Area: Deep Roots, Chris Cardwell, chris@deeprootskc.org

Program partners include: Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP) - www.moinvasives.org; Forest ReLeaf - www.moreleaf.org; Forrest Keeling - www.fknursery.com; and Missouri Department of Conservation - https://mdc.mo.gov.

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to Jan 25

Allied Event - WEDG Professionals Course

The webinar will feature case studies of WEDG Verified sites, experts in resilient, nature-based design, and take participants through the third generation of WEDG and its expansion to inland rivers and lakes. After completing this two-day guided virtual course and passing the open-book exam, participants can earn their WEDG Associate credential and join a growing national network of more than 500 resilient design and risk management experts. 6 LA CES CEUs are anticipated. Learn more and register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/waterfrontalliance/1066797

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Thank you to our annual sponsors!


Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors