ASLA St. Louis Chapter Call for Awards 2024-2025

ASLA STL seeks to recognize the hard work of our diverse practitioners this year. Participation in the awards program raises the standards of the discipline, increases public awareness of landscape architecture, and recognizes organizations and individuals for their superior work in the field.

Please consider submitting your work - and check out this year’s
Professional Awards Rotating Category:

Water, Water, Everywhere

***Note: This year’s rotating category invites entries by non-landscape architects, as well.  Engineers, Water Feature Consultants, etc are invited to submit.  Welcome!

Contact Awards Chair for further discussion if you have any questions about eligibility!***

Please review the 2024-2025 St. Louis ASLA Call for Awards document for submission guidelines and entry forms.

Professional Submissions are due December 5, 2024. 
Student Submissions are due December 30, 2024.

Student Award Entry

Please choose this option if you are purchasing a student award entry.

Professional Award Entry

Please choose this option if you are purchasing a professional award entry.

2024-2025 Awards Timeline

2024-10-02 Call for Awards

2024-11-21 Professional Entry Forms Due 
**Note: Just forms! No narratives or images are needed yet!

2024-12-05 Professional Submissions Due

2024-12-12 Non-Juried Award Nominations Due

2024-12-20 Student Entry Forms Due
**Note: Just forms! No narratives or images are needed yet!

2024-12-30 Student Submissions Due

2025-01-07 Professional Jury Results Anticipated

2025-01-10 Student Jury Results Anticipated

2025-02-07        In-Person Awards Event Anticipated

If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Awards Chair, Michelle Ohle, at