Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Chapter Officer Responsibilities

The following are the elected officer positions on the STL ASLA Executive Committee.

The Chapter President shall:

  • Call and preside at all business meetings of the Chapter and Chapter Executive Committee

  • Oversee the management and administration of the Chapter as directed by the Chapter Executive Committee

  • Work with VPs to manage chapter activities, services, and programs to ensure these meet the needs of the members by soliciting their input

  • Determine the closing date for any mail ballot

  • Provide leadership and vision

  • Promote outreach and initiate action

  • Involve the membership in Chapter affairs

  • Appoint the chairs and members of committees with the approval of the Board of Directors

  • Provide representation at meetings of the Chapter Presidents Council

  • Report on the activities and status of the Chapter at the Chapter Annual Meeting

  • Maintain close communications with Chapter Trustee

The President-Elect shall act in the President’s behalf during the President’s absence; represent and act for the Chapter as directed by the president and consistent with the policies of the Society as established by the Board of Trustees; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter president-elect or as may be assigned or delegated by the Chapter Executive Committee.

The president-elect shall be a Full Member elected for a term of: one (1) year as president elect, two (2) years as president, and one (1) year as past president.

The Immediate Past-President shall:

  • Serve for one year after term as President and be responsible for long range planning and evaluation of Chapter programs and their effectiveness

  • Support the President in accomplishing the established goals and objectives of the Chapter

  • Perform such other duties customary to the office or as may be assigned by the President or Chapter Executive Committee

The Secretary shall:

  • Keep a record of all proceedings and meeting agendas of the Chapter and Executive Committee

  • Administer annual and special elections: prepares, issues, and receives election ballots, and notifies candidates of election results

  • Maintain and keep the Constitution and Bylaws

  • Maintain the Chapter roster

  • Organizes and sets the dates and times for the monthly Executive Committee Meetings

  • Perform such other duties customary to the office or as may be assigned by the Chapter Executive Committee

The Treasurer shall work with the Chapter Executive Director to collect all fees, dues, charges, and other funds due the Chapter; be the custodian of all Chapter funds and disburse such funds only as authorized by the Executive Committee; supervise the keeping and auditing of the accounts and Chapter budget; update the Chapter Executive Committee on the budget monthly; work with the Chapter Executive Committee regarding event budgets and sponsorships; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter treasurer or as may be assigned or delegated by the Chapter Executive Committee.

 The treasurer shall be a Full, Associate, or International Member elected for a term of one (1) year.

The VP of Advocacy shall work with representatives of MALA to stay up to date on ongoing legislation affecting the landscape architecture profession; report monthly to the Executive Committee about legislative issues; coordinate with MALA and the Prairie Gateway Chapter on the annual State Advocacy Day at the State Capitol; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter treasurer or as may be assigned or delegated by the Chapter Executive Committee.

 The VP of Advocacy shall be a Full, Associate, or International Member elected for a term of one (1) years.

The Chapter Trustee shall:

  • Serve for a term of three years (up to 2 terms) and shall represent the Chapter on the Society’s Board of Trustees.

  • Present the Chapter Executive Committee’s recommendations or proposals to the Board of Trustees

  • Keep the Chapter Executive Committee informed of policies instituted by the Board of Trustees

  • Be informed on Chapter and National policies, services, activities and procedures

  • Function as an information resource to the Chapter and inform and explain existing National policies, services, activities and procedures that affect the Chapter

  • Initiate constructive changes to Chapter and National policies, services, activities and procedures

  • Perform such other duties customary to the office or as may be assigned by the Chapter Executive Committee

Member-at-Large shall:

  • Assist Chapter Executive Committee VP’s on program development, event planning, and potential Chapter initiatives.

  • Perform such duties customary to the office or as may be assigned by the Chapter Executive Committee

Chapter Executive Committee Responsibilities

The Chapter Executive Committee shall:

  • Implement policy and administer the business of the Chapter

  • Review and recommend annual programs and Budget to the Chapter

  • Administer contracts and expenditures

  • Establish programs and activities

  • Set the time and place for Chapter Annual meeting

  • Advise the President and President-Elect on creating committees

  • Select and contract for the services of an Executive Director

  • Consider, report and act on the business and policies of the Chapter

  • Put into effect the votes of the membership

  • Be the custodian of Chapter property

  • Approve nominees for office

  • Perform such other administration functions customary for it or as may be assigned to it by the Chapter membership or the Society’s Board of Trustees