ASLA St. Louis Strategic Plan
Mission and Vision
St. Louis ASLA Mission We, the St. Louis ASLA, support the development, education, and fellowship of our landscape architecture community. We promote the professional qualifications of our members and advocate for the value of landscape architecture to create sustainable and equitable environments.
St. Louis ASLA Vision Promote a supportive, inclusive, and connected landscape architecture community.
Strategic Objective Statements and Goals
Community Cultivate and serve the community of landscape architecture professionals by providing resources, education, and representation.
Goal 1. Promote first-time member attendance to chapter events.
Goal 2. Increase membership by 3% to 5% per year from year-end; retain 80% of renewing members.
Goal 3. Increase member involvement in chapter programing.
Goal 4. Broaden outreach to members throughout the state.
Goal 5. Promote continuing education programs once per quarter with one annual program focused on Health, Safety and Welfare.
Goal 6. Engage Washington University students at least once per semester.
Goal 7. Expand LARE resources for emerging professionals.
Goal 8. Celebrate and recognize member achievement.
Connection Enhance the design and STEM community and foster the discovery and understanding of the landscape architecture profession.
Goal 1. Be an active member of the Center for Architecture & Design STL.
Goal 2. Partner with allied organizations on existing programing.
Goal 3. Promote landscape architecture as a career.
Goal 4. Maintain and establish new relationships with chapter sponsors.
Goal 5. Host Central States Conference every 5-10 years.
Innovation & Operations Establish the framework for improved chapter operations and provide a platform that showcases innovation in the profession.
Goal 1. Showcase innovation in the profession.
Goal 2. Maintain and improve chapter systems.
Goal 3. Increase transparency in chapter operations.
Voice Promote the impact and value of landscape architecture leadership with elected officials and policy makers; and increase the public’s understanding of landscape architecture’s impact on quality of life.
Goal 1. Champion the profession of landscape architecture at the federal, state, and local levels in support of our right to practice.
Goal 2. Increase the public awareness of landscape architects’ expertise.
Goal 3. Obtain equal professional status for public project opportunities.